What Would I Tell My Younger Self?

What Would I Tell My Younger Self?

What Would I Tell My Younger Self? As I write this, I am thinking: What would I tell my younger self? Hmm… I wish somebody told me that I was very precious to God. I wish somebody told me that I was loved unconditionally by Jesus. I know many of you reading this will...
Stop Living Like a Victim!

Stop Living Like a Victim!

Stop Living Like a Victim! If you are reading this child of God, let me remind you: You are not called to live like a victim. You carry the light of God and your light shall shine bright. Joseph in the Bible went through a lot of attacks, accusations and injustice,...
Finding Your Identity in Christ

Finding Your Identity in Christ

Finding Your Identity in Christ  This year will make 9 years since I came to Jesus. One of my main challenges in this journey was being able to see myself in His eyes. The doctors said I would be an abnormal child as I was a breech baby. My mother wanted a boy as she...
Dealing With My Ungodly Sorrows

Dealing With My Ungodly Sorrows

Dealing With My Ungodly Sorrows From time to time I have those things that bother me that is not godly. The Bible calls it ungodly sorrows. Let me explain this to you…with the verse from 2 Corinthians 7:10, “For the kind of sorrow God wants us to...
The Mirror that Spoke Terrible Things to Me

The Mirror that Spoke Terrible Things to Me

The Mirror that Spoke Terrible Things to Me This is a guest post by a dear friend of mine, Melanie Philipnery who loves Jesus and is from Montreal, Canada who also assists in Revive Nations. You can follow her on twitter @MelPhilipnery A mirror can sometimes be a...