Overcoming the Spirit of Isolation (+FREE Giveaway)

by | Aug 20, 2024 | Freebies, Identity


Have you come across Christians who say they love to be all alone? “God-and-me-alone” kinds?

Well, if you dig deep there are reasons to this kind of thinking. Sometimes people are longing for affirmation from others and when they don’t get it they isolate themselves.

Sometimes it is their defence mechanism – Because they have received hurts in their previous relationships, they are trying to ‘protect’ their heart by building a wall around themselves, not letting anyone close.

Then, there is also another kind of people – they get so clingy and possessive about their friendships that they feel jealous when others come “in between”.

Remember as a child of God, anything you do in extreme is dangerous. There always has to be a balance.

In this post, I want to talk about isolation specifically.


If you fall in the first category of people (who prefer to be alone), you have to ask yourself – is that God’s will for you?

As a child of God, you are not called to journey in your Christian life all alone.

I remember once I gave the Good News to one of my friends and I came to know after many years that she had given her life to Jesus. I was so excited when I heard this, and while speaking to her, I encouraged her to join a church and be a part of a fellowship so that she can grow in the Word. But she was hesitant and said she wanted to do this journey alone, all by herself. And I explained to her that it’s dangerous because as a part of the body of Christ, we need each other and we are not called to be ‘loners’.

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:1, A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.

Well, this means that when you isolate yourself, you are actually seeking your own desire because you now stand in a place of no accountability. Now you feel whatever you are doing is right and you justify it because there’s nobody that you are accountable to.

The Bible talks about gathering together in Hebrews 10:24-25.
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

That means as much as you like to be all by yourself, it important that you fellowship with Christ-minded people. Now mind you, I am not implying that you connect with everyone on a deeper level. But, you surely should have people in your life with whom you can fellowship, who love Jesus and value His Word above everything else, so that you can encourage and build one another.


If that is your cry, I hear you. And, I understand, because I remember when I was newly born again (when I was in Kuwait), I too didn’t have many believer friends. I didn’t even have the liberty to go to a church. But I would do whatever it takes to build myself spiritually by connecting with someone so I could learn and grow. Sometimes I would find ways to connect with someone just so we could spend time in prayer. And, all these moments helped me in my spiritual walk.


Child of God, you need to overcome the spirit of isolation. Even as you read this, take time to look into your heart and ask “Why do I do what I do?” Why do I react to certain situations differently? Why do I easily feel rejected? Why my heart is still not healed in that area?

Mind you, if you can’t love yourself, it is hard to love others. The only person who can completely love you is our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Let this truth set you free. Let every spirit of isolation be broken over your life. May you be overshadowed by the love and power of the Most High, just like Mary was!

I speak a new song, a new tune and new shoes for you to walk this journey with the lover of your soul!


Free Giveaway: Hey there TSM Community, here are three “Overshadowed” phone wallpapers for you to remind you that you are not alone, but you are overshadowed by the Spirit of the Most High.

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