What Would I Tell My Younger Self?

by | Jun 25, 2024 | Identity


As I write this, I am thinking: What would I tell my younger self?

Hmm… I wish somebody told me that I was very precious to God. I wish somebody told me that I was loved unconditionally by Jesus.

I know many of you reading this will say, “Oh yes, I know that Jesus loves me and He died for me.”

But do you ‘really’ know? Do you believe this with all your heart?

If that is the case, then why is there still a vacuum in your heart? Why is there a need for love and affirmation all the time?

That’s because you haven’t really accepted the truth that God loves you.

Sometimes you need constant affirmations and when you don’t feel loved then you fall back to your addictions and your old way of thinking. You easily allow discouragement to overwhelm you. You feel there is no purpose to your life and that nobody loves you or wants you.


Rejection is the most powerful weapon that the enemy can use to isolate you from connecting to Jesus.

Think about Jesus. He faced rejection multiple times.

Jesus was rejected by His own disciples on the cross, all of them fled from the scene, except for John and Mary. He invested His life into mentoring and teaching them, but when He needed them the most, they deserted Him and fled.

Again, Jesus was rejected by His own people whom He was going to die for.

They chose Barabbas over Him!

Now imagine if Jesus carried the mind-set of a victim, surely He wouldn’t have been able to function as God. But Jesus knew who He was!

And, that’s how we have to live.


Surely rejection will come from people, especially your near and dear ones. Sometimes even your own family will not understand you. But child of God, you cannot allow rejection to define you. You cannot put your trust in man, because it is God who is the lifter of your head.

But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.
(Psalms 3:3, ESV)


Know who you are – You are a son of God. It’s when you don’t know who you are, you end up making wrong choices and doing things that you regret later for.
Do you know the source of your addictions can be traced to a lack of knowing your identity? This is because if you knew who you are, you wouldn’t waste your time watching worthless things on your phone, or doing things that harm you physically or emotionally.

Child of God, I am not here to judge you. I am here to remind you to rise up!

I know so many of you are struggling with addictions. But know that the Lord is mighty to save and there is no sin under the earth that He cannot deliver you from.

I believe if you come to a place of spiritually growing in your stature and in your understanding of who you are in Him, then these addictions will no longer have power over you.


You have two choices – You can either blame your past, or your family or your upbringing (And I understand that the struggle was real. I am not denying that). Or, you can get up from your situation and realise that you cannot live like a victim anymore.

I want to encourage you to choose the latter.

Rejection cannot define you anymore. Son of God, rise up!

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