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Proclaim My Word

Proclaim My Word

Each and every one of us is so unique and what we carry is so unique. In the eyes of our Master we’re all the same, there’s not one more important than the other.

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Finding Your Identity in Christ

Finding Your Identity in Christ

 This year will make 9 years since I came to Jesus. One of my main challenges in this journey was being able to see myself in His eyes. The doctors said I would be an abnormal child as I was a breech baby. My mother wanted a boy as she already had my older sister....

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Knowing The Heart of God

Knowing The Heart of God

Many times we try to fight our own battles. Although the Lord says in the scriptures that He will fight our battles, we tend to take things into our own hands. The problem with fighting our own battles is that we don’t trust God enough and consequently give up too easily.

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Tiny Mathew Design (Cap)


Tiny Mathew Design (Highly Favoured) Sweatshirt – Mauve


All New! Old is gone! Tee (Black)

HisNearness Hoodie (Dark Grey)