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TINY Mathew
Wife. Mother to Nations. Visionary. Author. Mentor. Entrepreneur
Prophetess Tiny (pronounced as Tee Nee) is a passionate Jesus lover. Based in Ottawa, Canada she is the co-founder of Revive Nations (RN), alongside her husband Prophet Shyju Mathew.
RN is a global ministry with the vision of raising end time revivalists. Together Shyju & Tiny are also founders and overseers of HISnearness churches around the world.
As a mother to nations, Prophetess Tiny’s life has been impacting the younger generation, women and children across the globe.

Empowering articles by Tiny on identity, relationships, intimacy with God and kingdom principles.

Approval of ONE
5 Practical Ways to Fight the Enemy’s Attack on your Identity
This ebook by Tiny, will remind you of who you are and whose voice is greater over your life. It will also give you five practical strategies to fight the enemy’s attack on your identity.
Get the confidence and boldness to function like Jesus in every area of your life. The ebook is available for purchase on the Shyju Mathew App.

How to Activate God Encounters in Your Life
A 5 Day Devotional
Child of God, the Lord wants to encounter you so that Christ would be magnified through your life.
This 5 Day Devotional by Tiny will teach you principles from the Word of God that can help you activate God encounters in your life. Sign up with us to get this ebook for free.

Tiny Mathew Design (Cap)

Tiny Mathew Design (Highly Favoured) Sweatshirt – Mauve

All New! Old is gone! Tee (Black)

HisNearness Hoodie (Dark Grey)
Teaching Videos
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