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Learning Everyday Dependency With Jesus
I remember the times when I would often go to God even for the smallest issues. But as we grow we tend to grow out of depending on God. May this post help you to be dependent on God always.
Fulfilling God’s Promises
Many of us have been given a prophetic word, but you have been waiting and asking yourself when will the Lord’s prophecies come to pass in your life. Here’s a promise from God’s word for you.
Season of Change
Kathryn my little angel turns one this day. It has been such a wonderful journey with our little one to see her in these precious baby stages and we can’t thank the Lord enough for this gift from God.
A Chess Lesson
Recently my ten year old son was teaching himself chess on my phone while we enjoyed a rare breakfast at a local diner. As I explained the names and positions of the chess figures, Jon questioned, “Why is the Queen so powerful in chess?”
The Secrets of Seeking God
The other day we were reading this book by Charles Finney. I have been very drawn to these people of God who carried God’s glory, especially because of their life outside their conferences.
What to Do When You Are Feeling Blank
Have you ever felt void? Did not feel like praying. Did not feel like reading the Bible. Did not worry about heaven or hell, angels or the devil, just plain void?
Tiny Mathew Design (Cap)
Tiny Mathew Design (Highly Favoured) Sweatshirt – Mauve
All New! Old is gone! Tee (Black)
HisNearness Hoodie (Dark Grey)