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A Desperate Generation! [Podcast]
I have been recently doing some audio recording on SoundCloud as I find that the easiest. I hope you would be blessed by it and that you would grow in a greater measure in your walk with Him!
Not Growing Weary!
Have you had moments of despair where you have become weary. Would love to hear your thoughts on this post.
Four Ways to Stay Connected With God
As Christians we are always in a constant battle. Just when we think it’s over, the enemy will come against you with different forms of trials and temptations. Here are few things we should keep in mind.
Vblog: Approval of God
Heart to heart conversation with Tiny Mathew. Do watch the video on guarding your heart from the need for approval of man.
VBlog: Count it All Joy
Here’s another short video on how our faith is strengthened. Hope you will be blessed.
Four Quick Lessons from Elisha
Here is an impromptu video, so please don’t mind me talking softly as Kathryn was sleeping.
Tiny Mathew Design (Cap)
Tiny Mathew Design (Highly Favoured) Sweatshirt – Mauve
All New! Old is gone! Tee (Black)
HisNearness Hoodie (Dark Grey)