An Open Letter to All Mothers and Wives
My fellow mother and wife,
Let me start by congratulating you because you are doing an amazing job. You are so loved and valued in the eyes of God. After all, He chose YOU to take the form of a woman. That means only YOU have the grace and privilege to bring ‘life’ into this world.
Wow, that’s so powerful! Because that’s the trait of your Heavenly Father!
At times, the voices of the world may make you doubt the importance of your role. You might even catch yourself saying, “My only job is to look after my husband and kids. I’m just a homemaker.”
But can I show you a different perspective? God’s perspective!
Out of everyone, God in His divine wisdom, handpicked YOU to nurture your husband and your home, and to give life to your children. That’s how indispensable your role is!
In fact, if you study the Bible, every anointed man of God owed much of who he was to a woman in his life. For Samuel to be raised as a prophet, it took the prayers and sacrifice of Hannah. Had it not been for Jochebed, who put her life at risk to save Moses, he would not have been there to deliver millions of Israelites from bondage. For King David to be born, there was a faithful Ruth in his genealogy, a Moabite who resolved to pursue the God of Israel.
You see, when God made Adam, he by himself was limited, so God gave him a helper in the form of Eve. As a wife, you are called to walk together as one with your husband and be his kingdom helper. But how can two walk together, unless they are agreed?
Remember you and your husband are different individuals with different roles, but once you marry, you both become one. Just like the different organs of a body – the hand cannot do what leg can do, but they are joined together in one body. You are called to walk side by side, hand in hand with your husband.
Listen mothers, to the world, you may be a ‘homemaker,’ simply taking care of the house. But in God’s eyes, you’re not managing a home—you’re overseeing a kingdom.
Yes, you heard me right, you have been assigned a kingdom to govern. Your house, your children are your kingdom.
Isn’t that amazing?
You get the honour to manage your kingdom, and just as any king must do, you must bring order and establish successful systems. You got to put kingdom laws in place, teach your children the ways of the Lord, bring godly discipline and multiply what you have been assigned. That’s your mandate.
Even as you read this, I encourage you to break free from limiting thoughts and embrace a kingdom mindset.
Remember, YOU have the power to shift the atmosphere in your home by being a woman of peace and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you. Pursue to be a woman of integrity, who is calm, submissive and respectful to her husband and who is raising history makers. You are not just raising kids, you are raising a godly offspring! Just having that mindset will make you intentional and bring heavenly joy, security and purpose to who you are and what you do.
Before I sign off, let me remind you: God treasures families and holds them as His highest priority. That’s the reason He commanded a man and woman to be fruitful and multiply. He enjoys when the husband and wife are one. He loves it when children are thriving in a peaceful and loving environment.
So don’t listen to the lies of the enemy. As a woman, wife and a mother you are valuable to God. And He is so proud of you!

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