2024 – It’s a Wrap! Thanking God for His Goodness
Hello there,
As 2024 wraps up, I am so thankful to God that thus far He has brought us! Wow, what a year it has been! Though there were challenges, but God saw us through – from glory to glory, and from victory to victory. He kept us strong and did not fail to keep His word. And, He never will.
On our ministry front, we made several upgrades this year, including the launch of our brand-new website in February, where all of my resources are now systematically organized in one place for a more user-friendly experience.
We also began sending monthly emails and blog posts to further help you in your walk with God.
Here’s are the top 5 most viewed posts on our website in 2024:
- A lesson from Prophetess Anna
- Young People, Here’s How You Can Carry Revival Fire
- Three Ways How You Can Lose God’s Favour
- How to Deal With Toxic relationships
- Rejected by Man, Accepted by God
If you haven’t read them already, go ahead, click on the links above, and let us know how it blessed you.
Also, by God’s grace in 2024, we released two books: How to Activate God Encounters in Your Life and Approval of ONE. These resources are designed to help you grow in your identity and encourage a closer walk with God.
In addition to all of this, we’ve been consistently releasing new videos every week to further inspire you.
I want to take a moment to thank you for being a valued part of the TSM community—whether by subscribing to our resources, sharing them with your circle, engaging through comments and likes, or responding to my emails. You are much loved!
2025: Be known by God
I believe 2025 is going to be an year where God will establish us and cause His favour to locate us. Having said that, I want to encourage you to make it your greatest goal in the coming year to be truly ‘known’ by God more than ever before. (I talked about it three months ago in my video here: Are you known by God?)
As Moses asked God in Exodus 33:13, “Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight.”
May this be our prayer—that we may be truly known by God and experience His encounters in a fresh, transformative way.
No matter what we are going through, as long as we are focused on loving Him and walking with Him and doing what is right before His eyes, His favour will locate us. So, stay hungry and desperate for His Word.
Also take time to reconcile and make peace with one another, and let love lead as you enter this new year. Be quick to forgive and let go of offences. God has amazing things in store for you individually, as a family and as a church.
I pray that the promises and prophesies of God over your life be manifested!
See you in 2025

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