Finding Your Identity in Christ

The doctors said I would be an abnormal child as I was a breech baby. My mother wanted a boy as she already had my older sister. While giving birth, she pleaded to God saying, “Even if I get a girl it’s fine, but please give me normal child.” I was supposed to be ‘Tony’ thinking I was a boy, but they named me ‘Tiny’ after they saw I was a girl. Even though they loved me I knew my mother had a void in her heart. When I asked her why she didn’t want a girl she said,”I don’t want my daughter to go through the hardships of labour.” There was a sense of rejection in my heart as I grew up.
My identity was something that I struggled with for a long time. I always felt worthless, and felt like I had to do so much to keep everyone happy for acceptance. Sometimes this will lead us to make wrong choices in life because we don’t realize our worth and who we are in Christ. Thankfully God turns everything for good.
Even after I got saved and after I received many prophetic words over my life I wouldn’t accept them to a certain extent because I always felt inferior. I couldn’t accept that God had so much plans for me as I didn’t have His vision. If we don’t renew our minds we can’t accept the things of the spirit. [tweet this]
As I started studying the scriptures I began to realize how God sees me, but before that I had to renew my mind. If there is no change in our minds, nothing is going to change. We need to fight the battle that is inside of us before we face the battle outside.
One thing that The Lord wants is for us to renew our minds and to be spirit beings. [tweet this]The Bible was written by the inspiration of the Spirit of God. When you read the scriptures and see what the Bible says about you, if you don’t receive the word with your spirit it won’t be effective.
The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”, but in the flesh you cannot accept that. We need to see ourselves in the spirit realm. As we worship Him in Spirit and in truth, we need to see ourselves as our Father sees us and the truth will set us free. It’s only in the spirit that we won’t gratify the desires of the flesh.
I believe that The Lord wants us to always be in the Spirit; to put on His armour, take away our focus from us and to auto-focus on Him, in His Spirit.
When Jesus was tested, His identity was questioned. Satan said, “If you are the son of God”. [Read Matthew 4:1-11]
When Jesus asked Peter, “Who do you think I am?” And Peter had a revelation of Jesus. [Read Matthew 16:13-20]
You have to realize who you are in Christ.
You have to realize your value, your worth.
One of the main weapons of the enemy is our identity. He will try not to allow us to see ourselves the way Jesus does. [tweet this]We have to embrace what the word of God says about who we are. See yourself the way He does and breathe easy in His love.
You are His beloved. You are the Child of the Most High God and be secure in who You are in Christ. Cancel every negative words spoken over your life. You are who God says You are and that settles it.
Jesus is head over heals in love with You.

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