John Piper once tweeted, “Boasting is the voice of pride in the heart of the strong, where as self-pity is the voice of pride in the heart of the weak.”

Negative thoughts are brought by the enemy to make you weak. It then makes you give up and cause more failure. Once the enemy knows you are giving into this weakness of your mind, he will then attack that area even further.

Here are few keys that will help you overcome the strongholds in the mind.

Stand up yourself. The battle of the mind is a battle we have to fight on our own with the Word of God. The more you depend on somebody else to help you the more you will become dependent on them, causing an unhealthy habit in your mind. Their absence will then cause more harm than good. Therefore the best person to then depend on is Jesus who is the same, yesterday, today and forever.

Block it. So the moment we know that the mind is under attack, we need to stop pondering over those thoughts. Even if it comes in for a second, ask the Lord to give you grace and shut that thought the same moment. Then use the Word of God to raise an armor against those lies of the enemy.

Pray. Don’t stop with just that. Go to God and start seeking Him. He is your lover. Renew your mind in HIs presence.

Meditate. Remember what David, Meditate on the Word day and night. Wake up in the morning, read the Word of God, if required on the bed itself. Whole day then meditate on it. And use that Word as your anti-depressant.

Feeding your mind. What do you feed your mind? Movies, songs, novels, anything that will cause you to be negative should be avoided.

Friendships. Association is very important. Talk to people who will encourage you and not pull you down further with their negativity. Have spirit filled friends who walk with God.

Those who sympathize with your negative thoughts are certainly good friends but that will not help you overcome those thoughts.

Overcome your past. Don’t dwell on your past or childhood hurts. Ask the Lord to heal you completely from your past. Especially those who are rejected in the childhood go through more of this fight. Ask the Lord to completely heal you and deliver you from all your hurts.

Higher perspective. Ask God to help you to see yourself in the eyes of Jesus. We do ask God to help us see others through the eyes of God but it is important that we see ourselves too through the eyes of God.

I want to speak into your heart and mind, “You will get through this, nothing is impossible with the Lord’s help and if you won’t be in despair, you will make it!”