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Welcome to Notes of Life blog. Here you will find articles on identity, relationships, intimacy with God and kingdom principles to help you in your walk with God. Use the sign up box to join the TSM community, and make sure you don’t miss my latest posts delivered right in your inbox!
How to Hear God’s Voice Especially When Making Important Decisions (Part 1/2)
Do you know every child of God has an explosive weapon in their armoury that has the power to change things, conquer situations, and even transform the most difficult people.
When God Gives You Power, What Do You Do?
Do you know every child of God has an explosive weapon in their armoury that has the power to change things, conquer situations, and even transform the most difficult people.
My New Book: APPROVAL OF ONE – Out Now!
Do you know every child of God has an explosive weapon in their armoury that has the power to change things, conquer situations, and even transform the most difficult people.
The Greatest Weapon a Christian Has!
Do you know every child of God has an explosive weapon in their armoury that has the power to change things, conquer situations, and even transform the most difficult people.
Why Were My Earlier Days Better?
Often, when things go wrong, we tend to look back and long for the past, not just in marriage but in various aspects of life. But what does the bible say about this?
Overcoming the Spirit of Isolation (+FREE Giveaway)
Have you come across Christians who say they love to be all alone? “God-and-me-alone” kinds? Well, if you dig deep there are reasons to this kind of thinking.
Tiny Mathew Design (Cap)
Tiny Mathew Design (Highly Favoured) Sweatshirt – Mauve
All New! Old is gone! Tee (Black)
HisNearness Hoodie (Dark Grey)