When I came to the Lord, I thought giving my life to Jesus was all. But only later did I realize that there were so much more that I had to give up. Somethings were hard, some others were painful, yet I knew it was God’s perfect will that I give them all up.

A friend once told me, “The Lord God will shake you off your comfort zone till you fall in line with God’s perfect will.” Simply because God loves His children too much.

I desire to do what God wants me to do, but like Paul says in Romans 7:15, “For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” As much as it hurts to think its true, I still believe, we go against God’s will because we are yet to die to our passions.

May be, God is calling some of you into full time ministry but you do not want to let go off your job or dreams. Or may be God is asking you to let go off a relationship that is not in His will. Or may be there is a character problem that you are struggling with.

To start with, you must take a step of faith and give it “all” to God. We cannot do it on our own strength but Jesus will honor your decision and give you the grace.

We have just one life and let us not live that according to our ways, dreams and desires. God will help each one of us if we render all to Him.

I am reminded of Kathryn Kuhlman whom God greatly used some decades ago. There was one point she had to take a crucial decision of letting go off a relationship that was outside the will of God. Remembering that day she said, “I still remember the day and the place where Kathryn Kulhman died.” The day she decided to die to her desires, the Lord honored her and began to use her mightily for His glory.

I pray my friend that as you read this post, you would let go off your desires, for the desires of God. Let go off your dreams, for His dreams. Let God have His way in your life and that is the ultimate place to be.

One of my favorite scriptures, which is my prayer is found in Romans 12:1, “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life- your sleeping, eating, going -to-work, and walking-around-life and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him.” (MSG)

It might cost you everything. Yet He is teaching us something through this & molding us through this process for His glory & to make us more like Him!

Is there anything that the Lord wants you to let go off?