Elijah, Elisha and Lessons in Serving
In the Old Testament, we read about Elijah and his servant Elisha who were mighty prophets of the Lord living during a challenging time in Israel’s history.
When we talk about Elijah, he was a powerful, larger-than-life figure who performed incredible miracles. Elijah is first mentioned in 1 Kings 17, where he proclaimed a drought in Israel as a penalty for the evil deeds of the kings of Israel. Some of his other miracles included miraculous provisions, calling fire from heaven to defeat the prophets of Baal, bringing rain to end the draught, resurrecting a widow’s son, parting Jordon etc. Elijah functioned in tremendous faith, yet he was someone who got discouraged easily. When the wicked queen Jezebel threatened to kill him, he was found sitting under the juniper tree with a desire to end his life.
Unlike Elijah, his protege Elisha did not allow the spirit of intimidation and discouragement to touch him. He was driven and focused.
Both performed extraordinary miracles and were used mightily by God, but Elisha carried on the work of the Lord for a longer period than Elijah because Elijah allowed his limitations to limit the God inside of him. That’s why God had to find another man to replace him. Elisha’s ministry superseded Elijah’s ministry, while Elisha was able to do 16 miracles, Elijah did only 8.
Elijah’s heart of service
One of things I like about Elisha is that he was not looking for a platform to build his own ministry, instead, he was found faithful and fully submitted to Elijah. When Elijah found Elisha, he passed by him and threw his mantle on him. Elisha could have started his own ministry from there because now the mantle was already upon him, instead he arose and followed Elijah, and became his servant (1 Kings 19:21). The Bible does not specify how long Elisha was serving Elijah but we know that Elisha served till Elijah’s time on earth was up.
Again, Elisha’s loyalty was tested when Elijah is starting his journey to go home to the Lord. Three times he is given the opportunity to quit, but for Elisha leaving Elijah was not an option. It was this zeal and passion that caused Elisha to effectively carry the mantle of Elijah and even do greater exploits than him.
You see, it is easy to get excited about performing miracles, signs and wonders, but first, can you be found faithful in serving? Maybe currently you are serving a man or woman of God; you may be working behind the scenes, but can you still be found faithful in the long run? Can you be persistent in carrying the mission of your man or woman of God and not give up?
It is the Lord whose eyes don’t fail to see what you do and the zeal with which you do. And, in due time, He will lift you up!
May you be driven by longevity and not instant fame. May you be found standing, especially when you face adversities and challenges and when you feel like there is nobody to support you knowing that it is the Lord who has called you and anointed you.
In this season, stay faithful and committed to serving in your church, serving the family of God and serving the man and woman of God that God has placed in your life and you shall do great exploits for the Lord. I can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to do through you!

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