How to Hear God’s Voice Especially When Making Important Decisions (Part 1/2)
Through this 2 post series, I want to share a few guidelines to help you.
First of all, know that our God is a speaking God and He desires to speak to you more than your desire to hear Him. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me (John 10:27). So this gift is available to every child of God, its just a matter of you being sensitive enough to discern it.
Secondly, know that God wants to lead you in every decision of your life (not just ‘major’ ones). And, the more you learn to lean on the Holy Spirit in your day to day life, the more you will be clear concerning His voice, when it comes to making the ‘big’ decisions of your life. So start practising hearing God in your small decisions first.
Spending time seeking the Lord and studying the Word enhances your ability to hear God.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
That means our decisions have to be made not by leaning on our own understanding, but from understanding the heart of God.
I remember, when I finished my University, I wanted to further pursue my Masters because that was what logic and experience said. But I wanted to follow the leading of the Lord in regards to my future. So, I went about researching on the courses, but at the same time I kept asking the Lord what He wants me to do. I would pray saying: God, if you don’t want me to go this way, please take away this desire from my heart. Sometimes we have so many thoughts running in our mind that it becomes hard to hear God. But when I made that prayer and kept surrendering my will to God, I saw that desire fading away. But God in His grace held me through. Now, as I look back at the sequence of events that have happened in my life, I realise it was such a wise decision. (Also, back then I was still new in my faith and didn’t have a deeper understanding of seeking God for visions, and comprehending them.)

Remember, one wrong decision can steer you off your God-given path, leading to unnecessary delays and heartache. On the other hand one decision you make based on the leading of the Holy Spirit can trigger a supernatural grace upon your life.
…to be continued. Read the concluding part of this series next week where I will share some practical keys to help you.
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