When God Gives You Power, What Do You Do?
Recently I was meditating on the life of Esther, who became the queen of Persia under the reign of Xerxes, and how she used her power to save an entire generation of Israelites.
Also, in the book of Esther, there was a character called Haman, who was given a position of power to become the principal minister for the king. As a part of his new role, all of the king’s servants were required to bow down to him. However Mordecai, the Jew, who was also the guardian of Esther, was the only one who refused to bow down to him. And so, Haman seeking revenge, then uses his power to manipulate King Xerxes saying, “Look the Jews don’t follow the rules like the other people and how their laws were separate from the king’s laws.” Further he convinces the king to issue a decree to kill all the Jews in the Persian empire (Esther 3:6).
Now this got me thinking: When we are placed in a position of power, how do we handle it?
As a boss do you use your power to intimidate your employees or inspire them?
As a worker, do you use your position of power to support your faith? Or are you laid-back and allow evil to take over?
You may be influential on social media, but do you use that power to glorify God’s name, speak life and build people? Or are you busy pleasing the world through your posts?
As husbands, you have the power to rule over your wives; as parents you have the power over your children to either provoke them to anger, or bring them up in love. The Bible says in the book of Ephesians 6:4, Fathers do not provoke your children to anger but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. And Colossians 3:21 says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.”
God may have put you in a position of influence or power, and based on how you use that power, there’s always going to be consequences.
Esther, as a queen, was in a position of power, and when she realised that Haman had released a decree to murder all Jews, she used her power to defend her people.
So you see, while Haman used his power in the wrong way, Esther used it in the right way.
Many people have been given power but they are too afraid to stand up for God’s kingdom. Esther, even though she was a queen, had to take the risk of her life in order to approach the king. But she knew that God had placed her in that position of power for such a time as this. And, the situation took a 360 degree turn because of her love for her people, and her loyalty towards her God.
Can I encourage you to use your position of authority to empower and raise lives, not to destroy or hurt. Don’t become a vessel in the hands of the enemy!
If God has given you the power, take advantage of that – not for your personal gain but for the Lord. It might look risky, it might be a lonely road, but when you choose to do the right thing, like Esther, you will find favour from God and man. The Lord will strengthen you and raise you in your generation.

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