Young People, Here’s How You Can Carry Revival Fire

Hello my young people, can I encourage you?
Never be satisfied by just being a church attending Christian, but remember you are called to carry the revival fire.
And, the way you can revive your church, your workplace or college, is by setting yourself on fire.
I’ve witnessed this first-hand in my own life. In my college days, surrounded by friends from different religions, they often came to me with their struggles and questions, seeking guidance and support. I saw those moments as opportunities to share the love of Jesus with them. You see, I didn’t outrightly preach at them; I simply let the fire of revival within me shine through my life.
Listen young people, you don’t need to wait for a platform or a microphone to make a difference. If your friends come to you for help or counselling, use that opportunity to talk to them about Jesus. This has to become your mission, and pray to God everyday saying: Lord, let me meet someone with whom I can share about your love.
If you look at the Bible, King Joash was 7 years old when he became king (2 Kings 11:21 ), King Josiah was eight ( 2 Chronicles 34:1). And there are many more such examples of how God is not a respecter of someone’s age! So don’t underestimate yourself. Don’t think you are too young to pray or lay hands on the sick, because greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world (1 John 4:4).
My husband, was 7 years old, when he began preaching. As he set himself apart, God began to use him as His spokesperson. All he did was to make himself available.
So, how do we fan the flames of revival within us? It starts with surrender. That’s the only way the Lord can use you. The more you yield yourself to the Lord, the more He will release His anointing.
We must let go of our own agendas and allow God to have His way in our lives. When we do that, something remarkable happens – We become vessels of His love and power, igniting the hearts of those around us.
Young people, I pray that God will use you to carry the revival fire in your colleges, universities and schools. I pray that you will not look down upon yourselves because you are young. You will carry the same anointing of God that Kathryn Kuhlman and Smith Wigglesworth carried. I pray that you will not keep God waiting.

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