The Secrets of Seeking God

The other day we were reading this book by Charles Finney. I have been very drawn to these people of God who carried God’s glory, especially because of their life outside their conferences. I even recently posted a thought about it on Facebook.
It is very clear how their walk with God was constant whether they had to minister to people or not.
Yes, you might not be a preacher or an evangelist; you may not be into full time ministry either. The good news is that those are not requirements to host God. All you need to do is to constantly walk with God like those men and women of God did.
Here are two verses to consider:
Deuteronomy 4:29 clearly shows us how you will find God, “if you search after Him with all your heart and with all your soul.” And in 1 Chronicles 16:11 the scripture specially tells us to, “seek His presence continually!”
I remember reading a book called, ‘The Secluded Worshiper’ by Zacharias Tanee Fomum where he explains about seeking God. He says, “In order to seek God we need to give up, withdraw and seek.” That also means giving up on your favorite TV shows, games, and anything or anyone that is not fruitful and seek God.
Seek God till you find God, and the more you know Him, the more you will love God. [ClickToTweet]
To know God deeply is my desire. When your desire is to just seek Him, nothing else in this whole wide world would matter to you. If you and me can just desire for one thing it should be His beautiful face. There is nothing greater than that experience.
Imagine if all of us just come back from work and seek God. Imagine heading home from your college just to seek God. We may not find an immediate breakthrough or results but know this for sure, you would have touched the heart of God and that’s all we need.

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