Kathryn’s First Trip & My Lesson Learnt

Kathryn and I will be flying home and this will be her first international trip. I was very anxious about getting my tickets to go home as we were finding it very hard to get the tickets on time due to the busy season. The agent said it was impossible to get a ticket within a week.
After breaking my head for a whole day, my husband reminded me to stay in the Spirit and pray. I realized in the moment of confusion I had forgotten to trust God. Hours later I got the good news that a seat opened up for us. To my biggest surprise we got upgraded to a Business class. Seems like God wanted to make Kathryn’s first int’l trip more special 😉
God taught me that trusting Jesus during the real storm is when you trust Him for real.
I want to encourage you to trust God with all your storms today!!!!
I hope to write more in this vacation. But just in case you don’t hear from me, I probably would be enjoying my dad’s jokes, mom’s cooking and the dessert air with my little princess.

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