Approval of One | New Book by Tiny Mathew | Download Here

[stextbox id=”custom”] This is a guest post by my friend Nima Wilson. She is a woman of prayer & is being used by God for His glory. You can follow her on twitter here: @nimawilson [/stextbox]

A few years ago when I attended my brother’s wedding in the U.S., I learnt a wonderful lesson about having an intimate walk with God. It has helped me in every situation of my life.

On the day of the wedding rehearsal, the bride asked her groom to maintain eye contact with her. As they come together on their wedding day, they will understand each other well and will begin to have an intimate relationship.

In Psalm 32:8, Our Daddy God says, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with my eye.”

Unless you have a relationship with a person, it is difficult to communicate with them through eye contact. Usually, a husband can talk to his wife just by looking into their eyes. It is similar between parents and their children. Why? Because of the relationship they have with each other.

Intimacy is all about two people forming a connection and bond between themselves.

God expects for us to have such an intimacy with Him that is so deep that no words are required. Just with the eyeball connection, He can direct us into His perfect will.

When you go through storms, His affirming gaze into your eyes says: Be still while I fight your battles in the heavenlies; while I deal with the enemy of your soul.

An affirming gaze from Him is all we need today. The Father’s look gives us freedom and strength. Hear Him saying to you: “I love you, my precious child. You are the apple of My eye. I created you with special purpose.”

Just ponder:

How does God wish to relate to us intimately? More importantly, how do we return the intimacy towards God to build a strong and lasting relationship?