The Pigeon With a Broken Wing

by | Mar 14, 2009 | Encouraging

I love praying on the terrace of my house, its open air, dusty at times with the Kuwait sand, yet i almost feel closest to God under that vast skies. Once during my madness with God, I noticed a gentle pigeon and it had a broken wing. I tried getting close to it but it didn’t trust me yet. I rushed back to my house got some food for it.

I started feeding it even though it did not trust me yet. After a few days it started to get close to me. Now every time it saw me, it came to me as if it recognized my care. I continued feeding it every day and kept going up to my terrace to see if the broken wing was healing. But after a week, to my sorrow it had died. I was in deep grief because in just a few days I had started liking it and hoped it would get well and fly again.

When we initially come to God, we are like this pigeon- broken & hopeless, however pigeons don’t have a soul unlike us. And after a while we get used to God that we forget to be grateful to our Lord for His blessings and help that he blesses us with in times of trouble or danger.

The Bible says sins brings death (spiritual death) And when we leave our conscious unchecked over a period of time, then sin overtakes us and kills our very desire to get back to God. We get caught up with the world & things that does not really matter, forgetting to think how our Master who paid for our sins on the cross feels about our life. Just like the death of the dove brought such grief to a human like me, we tend to forget that we grieve the Holy Spirit by our sins. Ouch!!

My friend do you realize, our heavenly Father is waiting everyday to hear a word from us when we wake up but we are too busy wondering what to wear for work or what to eat for breakfast or lunch.

Our heavenly Father takes pleasure in hearing from us & we even forget about it.

1 Chronicles 16:34says “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever.”

Cultivate thankfulness by giving thanks regularly.

Wake up every morning and before you go to sleep spend time thanking him for every thing in our life.

Only remember…we don’t live for ourselves, but we live for Jesus! JESUS CARES!

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