As I was lying on my bed before starting my day a few days back, I was pondering over the lives of various men of God mentioned in the Bible.

What made them different?

For example, Moses wanted to see God’s face; Enoch was a man who walked with God; David was a man after God’s own heart. All these men of God were no different from any of us, but what is clearly evident is that they loved God the most. They pursued His heart and nothing mattered to them except God; despite their position, status or family.

I took time to reflect on their pursuit for God, and my heart began to cry out for more of God.

I cannot give excuses. I have just one life. I so desire to completely and totally give this life to Him so that when I reach Heaven, God will be proud of me.

Now, did these men of God have any weakness? Yes; indeed they did. But they never stopped pursuing God.

Just as we tend to think and act like the people we spend more time with, imagine what would happen if we were to spend time in the presence of Jesus? The more we spend time talking with and hearing from God, we will begin to think, talk and become like Him. His character will be seen through us, and His anointing will follow!

I believe that pleasing the Heart of God is the greatest achievement in life. I pray with all my heart that you and I will be so consumed by God; so full of God that nothing else matters to us. We should be known as men and women who walk with God; who are after God’s own Heart. That will be the greatest compliment that you and I can ever receive.

So; shall we?