Rejected by Man, Accepted by God!

The patriot of the Bible, Jacob had two wives. Rachel and Leah. Rachel was the one he loved. Leah was the one he was given in marriage deceivingly. It was a set up by his father in law, in order to get Jacob’s to work longer under him, as he was desperate to marry Rachel.
The Bible says that Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah. Seeing that Leah was unloved, the Lord reached out to Leah and honored her by opening her womb and blessing her with children.
There are many facets to God. This verse clearly shows another nature of God. He is our father. There is something about fathers that rushes to the aid of a hurting child. God knows our heart, he sees the hurt and pain that we go through. He knows when we feel rejected and unloved. He sees what no one else around can see.
Are you among those like Leah who has always felt unloved? May be by your husband, kids or friends?
I was one of them. When I lived in the world, I always felt unloved. I always felt like I did not have anyone who genuinely loved me. I remember times when I used to wake up in the middle of the night and just cry to myself as I felt unloved and rejected by my loved ones, even though they were with me. I felt so void within me. The fact is that even our loved ones cannot satisfy the real emptiness of our heart.
The day I received Jesus into my life, changed my perspective. As I shut my eyes to pray I saw a vision. I saw myself sitting in a park and crying. Next to me was Jesus hugging and crying with me. For the first time I received the revelation that I was loved by God! The Lord knew my brokenness and revealed His heart to me. Imagine a God who cries with our pain.
My heart was overwhelmed with joy with the knowledge that – “I am LOVED for the first time in my entire life”
I was loved by God, the creator of the universe. I was loved for real. I was not imagining, but it was true. I can never forget that evening, the beginning of my love story with Jesus.
I want to encourage all my friends out there whoever is reading this blog right now. This revelation of God’s unconditional love will release your heart from your pain as it did to me.
God appreciated Leah even when Jacob did not. Are you an unloved women? God knows your heart. He will turn every situation you go through for His glory. As the Word of God says, “Your weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”
This is my prayer for you, that you will be satisfied with God’s love for you. Because His love endures forever.

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